Happy Summer!

I hope you are picking up lots of good books to read this summer.  Let me know what you are reading.  Enjoy! 

3 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    JENKINS said,

    Hello Mrs.Jenkins i am alitobit woride right know about going to middle schol but i know that you have train me well for reading and language thank you Mrs Jenkins.Kathia Cortes OR KATHY.THANK YOU.

  2. 2

    jg said,

    hello mrs. jenkins i need a web forare spelling words. what will you recomend?

  3. 3

    pak mustika…nsaya erwin (MBI). sorry belum bisa menepati janji untuk kirim surat Sjafruddin ke pak mestika. tapi pasti akan saya kirim. terima k Click https://twitter.com/moooker1

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